This analysis of 1,000 YouTube long-form videos reveals how to easily design thumbnails that immediately Turn impressions into views and consistently get 9%+ CTR

So you don’t waste your time, effort, and investment on YouTube by not getting the views and attention you deserve from your target market.et.

Poor YouTube results? Low YouTube views? Low CTR %?

A great product, without great packaging, fails.

A great video, without a great thumbnail, fails.

This means that the thumbnail is for a video what the packaging is for a product.

That’s why every entrepreneur on YouTube needs a proven, repeatable, and simple process to follow for its thumbnail designs.

Something back-tested by experience.

Something that consistently works.

Ignoring this component is consciously deciding to waste your time, effort, and investment on YouTube.

Not a single entrepreneur on YouTube who ignores thumbnails sees results.

Bad thumbnails guarantee not attracting your target market.

Bad thumbnails guarantee no one will ever find your offers and services.

Bad thumbnails, ultimately, guarantee no inbound sales.

So if you want to fix this immediately…

Get access to our previously classified Thumbnail Design Handbook.

This handbook is the culmination of over 3 years of experience after working with 30 of the most recognized entrepreneurs in niche-specific industries and posting over 1,000 long-form YouTube videos for them.

Click the button below now to get exclusive access to this handbook for FREE.

What can I expect from the Thumbnail Design Handbook?

After reading and implementing the lessons and psychological tricks explained in this handbook, you will:

  • Increase your average click-through rate percentage (CTR %)

  • Improve your subscribers-to-views ratio.

  • Increase your average number of views per video.

So if you are an entrepreneur, business owner, or consultant,

Who is leveraging YouTube organic to generate more inbound clients for your business...

This handbook was written specifically for you.

None of our clients are content creators,

They are entrepreneurs looking to drive real revenue and profit growth for their businesses with YouTube.

And for that, platform-specific optimizations such as effective thumbnail design are crucial.

The thumbnail design handbook is your blueprint to design effective thumbnails that attract the eyeballs and attention of your dream clients.

We are able to say this because it is what we have been doing over the last 3 years for our clients.

Some of them have experienced results such as the following:

  • 50% of the revenue of an 8-figure consulting business we work with comes from YouTube organic.

  • 60% of the leads of a 7-figure law firm we work with come from YouTube organic.

  • We helped to generate hundreds of qualified leads for a USD 10,000+ coaching offer in the virtual law firm space organically from YouTube.

So if you too want to leverage YouTube the right way,

Increase your inbound lead generation results,

And grow your sales and profits,

You should learn the actual science behind thumbnail designs that get clicks.

Examine that science in the FREE Thumbnail Design Handbook now before we limit access.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Pat Bailouni

"For the last few months, I've seen a HUGE growth in YouTube because of the work they've been doing"

Founder of Master Your Trading Mindset

Sam Mollaei

"If you want to build your own rental property online and be able to do really well long-term with YouTube then I highly recommend Hex Studio"

Founder of My Legal Academy

John Skiba

"Because of the work they have been doing… 60% of my total leads come from my YouTube channel"

Shareholder of Jackson White

Aaron Chen

"The service has been excellent, they've got a big team, and they really look after their clients"

7-Figure Affiliate Marketer

Aaron Chen

"The service has been excellent, they've got a big team, and they really look after their clients"

7-Figure Affiliate Marketer

Sam Mollaei

"If you want to build your own rental property online and be able to do really well long-term with YouTube then I highly recommend Hex Studio"

Founder of My Legal Academy

John Skiba

"Because of the work they have been doing… 60% of my total leads come from my YouTube channel"

Shareholder of Jackson White

Mike Smith

"They have done a fantastic job of making our videos look extremely professional"

Managing Partner at Smith Barid, LLC

Ryan Stewart

""I've been very, very pressed with the level of communication, the level of quality of the work as well; everything has been topnotch for me”

Co-founder of The Blueprint Training

Ryan Stewart

""I've been very, very pressed with the level of communication, the level of quality of the work as well; everything has been topnotch for me”

Co-founder of The Blueprint Training

Here is what your results could look like too after implementing the process shared in this handbook

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